RF Transmitter and Receiver WRL-10535 and WRL-10533

Theses types of Transmitters and Receivers are extremely simple Amplitude Modulated devices, where the data simply turns
a Radio Frequency Carrier on and off.
They operate on a frequency that is shared by many other household devices.
To transmit data reliably with them you need some smarts at the Transmitting end and also at the Receiver end.
Firstly, you need to Manchester Code the data that you want to transmit, and you also need to transmit preamble sequences
of alternating 1s and 0s, and start flags before you start sending your data.
You also need some kind of CRC error checking.
The code in the receiver must be designed to look for the preamble sequences and the start flags and then has to decode the manchester encoded
data, and finally make sure the data is intact by computing the CRC against what is sent.

To understand what manchester coding is about this is a good article.

Its not hard to do , but if you want something that does all the hard work for you then
look at using Xbee Wireless modules.