
I am trying to run Motor_test.ino and Motor_test_ encoder.ino. (Please see attached files) They are not working. I got the message bellow.
I also have tried some troubleshooting..I checked the battery.. ... I even updated the MKRMotorCarrierr firmware uploading the example, Flasher. I also tried to run the Blink example and it's not working. When I removed the carrier from the MKR1000, "Blink" works. I don't know what's the problem with the carrier.

Please advise

WARNING: Category 'I/o' in library MKRMotorCarrier is not valid. Setting to 'Uncategorized'

Build options changed, rebuilding all

Sketch uses 22024 bytes (8%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.

Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found

Device : ATSAMD21G18A

Chip ID : 10010005

Version : v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Dec 20 2016 15:36:43

Address : 8192

Pages : 3968

Page Size : 64 bytes

Total Size : 248KB

Planes : 1

Lock Regions : 16

Locked : none

Security : false

Boot Flash : true

BOD : true

BOR : true




Erase flash

done in 0.820 seconds

Write 22328 bytes to flash (349 pages)

[===== ] 18% (64/349 pages)

[=========== ] 36% (128/349 pages)

[================ ] 55% (192/349 pages)

[====================== ] 73% (256/349 pages)

[=========================== ] 91% (320/349 pages)

[==============================] 100% (349/349 pages)

done in 0.140 seconds

Verify 22328 bytes of flash with checksum.

Verify successful

done in 0.018 seconds

CPU reset.

Motor_test.ino (2.09 KB)

Motor_test_encoder.ino (2.17 KB)

I also tried to run the Blink example and it's not working.

What exactly do you mean by "it's not working"?

WARNING: Category 'I/o' in library MKRMotorCarrier is not valid. Setting to 'Uncategorized'

While this warning itself doesn't cause any problems, it does indicate you're using an outdated version of the MKRMotorCarrier library. Please do this to update to the latest release:

  • Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...
  • Wait for download to finish
  • In the "Filter your search..." box, type "MKRMotorCarrier".
  • Click on "MKRMotorCarrier by Arduino".
  • Click "Update".
  • Wait for update to finish.
  • Click "Close".
  • Upload your sketch again.