Reply timeout

Someone has shortened the reply timeout again. I still don't understand why a timeout has to exist. If I enter a lengthy answer I'd love to hit the responsible admin if I get an empty form (start new topic) in response to pushing the "Post" button. If I hit the back button of my browser my complete answer is gone and although I saw frequently that some draft should have been saved I couldn't restore my answer (not even part of it) over the link in my profile.

So put that answer timeout to 10 hours or more or better remove it completely. I see no need for such a timeout, the forum system should care about how long it took for me to type the answer.

Someone has shortened the reply timeout again. I still don't understand why a timeout has to exist. If I enter a lengthy answer I'd love to hit the responsible admin if I get an empty form (start new topic) in response to pushing the "Post" button.

I have had that happen to me but I did not realize it was due to a deliberate timeout. I suspect it is just a glitch in the Forum software or its servers.


Can always type things in a text enditor >:(

There is the autosave drafts too !

There were some minor issues about 20 hrs ago but they were quickly resolved.

There is the autosave drafts too !

Yes, but it doesn't work!

There were some minor issues about 20 hrs ago but they were quickly resolved.

OK, but I got the same problem again today. Fortunately it wasn't a very long answer this time but I still got no explanation of why this damned timeout is necessary. If these issues (whatever they might have been) are getting common I'd expect one of the admins to tell us what happened. There is a slight chance that someone here might help.

The timeout is probably a browser local setting. For firefox: network.http.response.timeout
But clearly the server is unresponsive so adjusting the timeout won't help much. It is very frustrating when you have typed in a long post/ only to see it vanish. I now, if I remember, do a A C to save the post in the paste buffer in case it gets lost.

This post did NOT get lost !

I suspect this is the same problem as in this other Thread

And it has happened to me a few times in the last hour.


Yes, but it doesn't work!

Odd the auto save draft and the button both work for me. Firefox on my laptop ( Mac ) and iPad.

I couldn't restore my answer (not even part of it) ...

The forum software is flaky. I suggest installing Form History Control (if you are using Firefox) which saves the contents of forms (like the one I am typing right now) every 30 seconds or so. If the server does something weird then it doesn't matter because you have your typing saved on your local machine.

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