Library for RF remote switches

@Morphor: I don't have a clue why it doesn't work. If you happen to have a second arduino, you could use show_received_code to verify that the arduino-synthesized code is identical to the real remote.
An digital oscilloscope or data logger is quite handy in this kind of situations, as you can monitor the actual inputs and outputs of the transmitter and receiver.

@DARRELL: have a look at the Retransmitter-example, which simply retransmits a (recognized) received code.

For transmission you don't need special interrupts, other than the one Arduino uses for delay(). But that one is standard anyway.

Relevant code sniplet, based on the example:

#include <RemoteSwitch.h>
unsigned long code;

code = receivedCode;
code |= (unsigned long)period << 23;
code |= 3L << 20;

This will transmit a signal on pin 11, where receivedCode and period are the values you've already found.

@Marlar: "device", "address" etc are arbitrary terms used by the remotes themselves. They are all based on the PT2262-technique, and thus have 12 trits data words.
KaKu for example designates 4 trits for "group", and 4 trits for "device". But other marques use different trits, don't have groups at all or use the term "address".


The information in the start post is a bit outdated, but I can't edit it anymore. The current version 2.0 of the library (same link) is capable of receiving codes as well, with apart from the 433MHz-receiver no extra hardware at all! Included in the library are some examples and a photo of the (very easy) set-up. :smiley: