How to get ableton live to sync to arduino MIDI?

Hi All,

Can anyone give me advice on how to generate the appropriate MIDI sync or timecode to get an external application to sync to the Arduino?

I know I can setup Ableton Live to sync a different source.

I already have MIDI working (sending notes) via a conventional MIDI cable, but I have no experience with sync'ing. My Arduino program has a tempo (BPM) so I know the duration of a quarternote etc.

Dr. Speed

Well, in our Beat707 project, I searched on how to send MIDI Clock Sync, which is 24 PPQ. So, at every 24 PPQ I send a clock signal via MIDI.

MSerial.write(0xF8); // Midi Clock Sync Tick

You can also send Start/Stop to Live's Transport:

MSerial.write(0xFA); // MIDI Start
MSerial.write(0xFC); // MIDI Stop

Hope that helps, otherwise, tell us more on what you need exactly.


Ah, I forgot, you will need a good timer to send Midi Sync Clock to the host, here's what I use:

void timerStart()
  TCCR1A = TCCR1B = 0;
  bitWrite(TCCR1B, CS11, 1);
  bitWrite(TCCR1B, WGM12, 1);
  bitWrite(TIMSK1, OCIE1A, 1);

void timerSetFrequency()
  // Calculates the Frequency for the Timer, used by the PPQ clock (Pulses Per Quarter Note) //
  // This uses the 16-bit Timer1, unused by the Arduino, unless you use the analogWrite or Tone functions //
  #define frequency (((midiClockBPM)*(PPQ))/60)
  OCR1A = (F_CPU/ 8) / frequency - 1;

void timerStop(void)
  bitWrite(TIMSK1, OCIE1A, 0);
  TCCR1A = TCCR1B = OCR1A = 0;

   MSerial.write(0xF8); // Midi Clock Sync Tick

For PPQ use 24, as its the standard clock format. Unless Live let you chose 96.


Great! Thanks. I'll give that a go.

-Dr Speed

I was having a hard time getting my head around the way interrupts work and I looked in the 'Arduino Cookbook' and found a reference to a library called MsTimer2 (Arduino Playground - MsTimer2). This is much simpler. I just need two functions, one to set the tempo (beats per minute) and one to send the sync.

This works with Ableton Live.

Dr Speed

#include <MsTimer2.h>

define PPQ 24

// when the sequencer starts, set the timer with the new tempo, something like 75 or 125, a normal bpm.

void setTimer(int beatsPerMinute){

// sync period in milliSeconds
period = ((1000L * 60)/beatsPerMinute)/PPQ;

MsTimer2::set(period, syncMIDI);

// Called by timer
void syncMIDI()
Serial.write(0xF8); // Midi Clock Sync Tick