tiny core (attiny85) and HellowWorld_SR (2 wire lcd) return conflict error

Yeah! Solved!
Just logging back in to post the results - Coding Badly I don't consider your voluminous efforts as any indication of laziness :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for the tiny core and for the cut an paste answer! I hope others will find the 2 wire lcd solution equally beneficial to the low pin count tinys - no I2C complexity, 25cent part, no "piggyback serial-to-lcd" micro w/code, programming, crystal and cost to contend with.

Yes Nick, that line in the header file gave me pause, but as it was apparently working for a nano compile in the arduino toolchain, I just left it. Thanks much for the tip. As I was just tossing darts to get the compile errors down, I ignored code operational correctness at that go around.

That error being corrected, left another error having to do with _cxa_pure_virtual which is solved by copying the new.cpp new.h files over to the tiny toolchain.

so for the program example shown above, the summary of changes are below:

changes to print.cpp============================

/* default implementation: may be overridden */
//void Print::write(const char *str)
//  while (*str)
//    write(*str++);
//jc100 above is original, below from arduino
// tiny core needs new.cpp, new.h to resolve error:LiquidCrystal\LCD.cpp.o:(.rodata._ZTV3LCD+0xe): undefined reference //to`__cxa_pure_virtual'
size_t Print::write(const char *str)
  size_t n = 0;
  while (*str){
  return n;

/* default implementation: may be overridden */
//void Print::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)  
//  while (size--)
//    write(*buffer++);
//jc100 below is from arduino, above original tiny
size_t Print::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
  size_t n = 0;
  while (size--) {
    n += write(*buffer++);
  return n;

changes to print.h==============
    virtual size_t write(uint8_t) = 0;
//    virtual void write(const char *str);
//    virtual void write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size); 
//jc100 below is from working arduino file, above is original
//    size_t write(const char *str) { return write((const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str)); }
    size_t write(const char *str);
    virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);

copy new.h, new.cpp from arduino core to the tiny core ===================

eg: from here:
C:\Documents and Settings\H1\My Documents\Downloads\arduino-1.0.1-windows\arduino-1.0.1\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino
to here:
C:\Documents and Settings\H1\My Documents\Downloads\arduino-1.0.1-windows\arduino-1.0.1\hardware\tiny\cores\tiny

Oh, and a big thanks to the ShiftRegisterLCD contributor and Franscisco - for a fine consolidated library and especially for helping us navigate the changing world of arduino!