Wierd Serial and cpu usage.

So to reply to your post robin I have am a little new to communication via serial but I have been able to understand all of the demos and run all of them successfully. I understand (or at least I think I do) how this all works and so far it has.

OpenCV is a library designed to help with "Computer vision" based applications. Like object detection and motion tracking.

To summarize the weird issue's I am coming into contact with is that fact that the program freeze's and cpu usage goes to 100%. This is a serial issue because it doesn't have a issue with the serial lines just commented out. Also the Arduino is still sending data after I press the reset pin and doesn't appear to be following the delays I put in place on it.

The reason why I am using a much more simple method than the one you described in your demo post is because in honesty it's pretty complicated. It confuses me and I only need to send two different numbers over serial. I can see that the program is pretty complticated and in all reality I am a complete newcomer to python.

I also in no way ment to affend anyone by not including the code previous to the code that was already posted I just figured that if I was able to narrow the amount of code that was affecting this behavoir I figured I wouldn't make it so hard for you guys. I wanted to avoid offending anyone by making them feel as if I just wanted them to look through a long stack of ill formatted code to help me.