Mkr 1010 using WifiNina

I'm sorry, I have multiple threads open on different forums and I mistook one thread for another I apologize for the confusion. I did end up getting the WiFi to work finally, but only with the BNO080 detached. I'm also having separate issues getting the Mkr WiFi 1010 to work with my BNO080. Seems like the shared pins are part of the problem. I may need to seek a different board, because the two primary things I need to do is take readings from the BNO080 and send them through either WiFi or bluetooth to a computer. If both operations require the same pins then that's going to be problematic.

So the WiFi works without the BNO080, but not with. Sorry for that confusion.
The Mkr WiFi seems to have a problem communicating with the BNO080 any way. I suspect the Wire.h library has issues communicating through I2C on the Mkr WiFi 1010 which is causing the board to freeze. But that's a different topic from this thread.