[SOLVED]Cant attach pictures from iphone

This was going for years but now gets annoying to send pics every time to my laptop to attach in my posts.

When trying to attach pics from iphone even after undersizing them to less than half mb im getting same error saying i did something wrong which i know i didnt. Then im sending the pics to my laptop and attaching from there. As im following the forum mostly from my iphone its getting very hard to reply with pictures if there is a need.

Any suggestions of how to bypass this problem or its there to stay?


Are you editing the images on the laptop in a way that is removing EXIF data? AFAIK the Forum software objects to JPG images that contain EXIF data.


Hi guys!
I also have the same trouble, I encountered that error I tried attach pictures from my iPhone. I made a test with my friend's phone, and everything is fine with his android.
I have actually followed your instructions, editing images on my pc to remove EXIF data and the problem is solved!
Thanks for your help

If this photo will attach then Robin2 suggestion worked.
Tried removing exif data with exif viewer app. Didnt help

If this photo will attach then Robin2 suggestion worked.
Tried removing exif data with exif viewer app. Didnt help

Does your exif viewer app blank out the exif data or does it create a JPG that never had exif data in the first place?

Can you convert the original JPG to a PNG file


I tried exif viewer app. After its removing exif data its creating new copy without exif data. Like no geo tags, iso rating etc.

Now converted the file without exif data to png with another app called jpg to png converter.

Here we go! Finally.

Thanks Robin!