Maximum number of SN74HC165N

Ok, cool. In your old code, you had this:

  estado000 = digitalRead(pin_Q7);
  if(estado000 == 9) {
    setRegisterPin(9, HIGH);
    //  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

..which will never happen, because estado000 can be HIGH or LOW but never 9.

The problem is that when I press one of the switches I see a 1 but I do not know how to make that pulsation cause the corresponding relay to move or led to light.

So you have confirmed that you can use setRegisterPin() to set outputs HIGH and low.

When you say "corresponding relay", do you mean input #1 corresponds to relay #1, and #2 to #2, etc..?

In the for-loop, where you print a 1 or a 0, that is where you know the status of one input and you know the number of that input. So instead of just printing a 1 or a 0, you can set the corresponding register pin to HIGH or LOW. (To the same value that the input pin has.)

Even if this is not what you ultimately want, I would still do this first, because it is a good test.