ModBus Update


I have a question about the program SimpleModbusSlave_DUE that I have added.

The modbus_update(); givens delays of approximately 14 MSec

I'm looking for program code that the main program continues during the modbus_update() delays.

Or a tip so that I can solve the problem.

Thanks in advance.



#include <SimpleModbusSlave_DUE.h>

#define LED_Modbus 9

//////////////// registers of your slave ///////////////////
// just add or remove registers and your good to go...
// The first register starts at address 0
HOLDING_REGS_SIZE // leave this one
// total number of registers for function 3 and 16 share the same register array
// i.e. the same address space

unsigned int holdingRegs[HOLDING_REGS_SIZE]; // function 3 and 16 register array

void setup()

modbus_configure(&Serial, 9600, SERIAL_8N2, 2, HOLDING_REGS_SIZE, holdingRegs);

// modbus_update_comms(baud, id) is not needed but allows for easy update of the
// port variables and slave id dynamically in any function.
modbus_update_comms(9600, 1);

// pinMode(LED_Modbus, OUTPUT);


void loop()


holdingRegs[ADC_VAL] = analogRead(A0); // update data to be read by the master to adjust the PWM

analogWrite(LED_Modbus, holdingRegs[PWM_VAL]>>2); // constrain adc value from the arduino master to 255