Arduino Uno Serial Problems (57600 baud is broken)

This same issue happened when using Teensy to communicate with '328 based Arduino clones. I wrote about it here:

The original Arudino bootloader never tried to use the 2X mode, so it communicated at 58824 baud, not 57600. That's +2.124% error, which is just barely within 8 bit serial tolerance. In other words, all those Duemilanove boards were just barely working when in bootloader mode.

Dean probably tested the 8u2 firmware for Uno with a Duemilanove running the original bootloader at 58824 baud, instead of optiboot. Just as I encountered, if you use the "best" baud rate in 2X mode, which is 57143 (-0.794% error), then you can't communicate with the original Arduino bootloader.