U8glib: Graphics Lib for LCDs and OLEDs

Just thought I'd say thank you for this library. I have used it to get some ebay 1.6 inch 128x64 yellow/green oleds up and running with no hassle at all, what an amazing feat.

These displays are all over ebay at the moment, the top 16 rows are yellow, the rest are green and if you can use that in your application they look pretty great.

My config is:

U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NO_ACK);

void setup ()  {
uint8_t setmode = 1; //set to BW mode
u8g.setColorIndex(1); //Set colour to "white"

...for anyone "googling" out there how to get started with a 1.6" ebay yellow-green OLED display and arduino.

A quick question however:

Do you have any tips on how to slim down the program memory footprint? I am only using a single small font, and a few 'primitives' - basically print and scale2x2. As far as I know, the complier/linker SHOULD only use stuff that is called, but I have a suspicion more is tacked on, used or not when it comes to libraries... thoughts? Otherwise I am going to just make a copy of the library and just try the slash, burn and see method :slight_smile:

Cheers and thanks again,
