PWM frequency change (ATtiny85)

Ok, TCCR0A and TCCR0B for timer 0 (first PWM port PB0) and TCCR1 for timer 1 (second PWM port PB1). So, if i change TCCR0B it will affect only on PWM frequency of first PWM port (PB0)?

No, it will affect the frequency of both PB0 and PB1. Timer 0 has two outputs but only one counter. You can change the pulse width independently but both will have the same frequency.

If i look into table from datasheet for CS02, CS01 and CS00 this line should look like this "TCCR0B = TCCR0B & 0b11111001 | 0x01;" for clk/no prescaling? But how can i set PWM frequency? What in that case mens "setting" 0x01?

it means timer0 counts at the speed of the CPU clock (it's not divided by anything). You can divide by 1, 8, 64, 256, etc., using CS02, CS01 and CS00.

Remember though, each PWM pulse will be 256 clock ticks long because it's an 8-bit timer. The output goes high at when the counter is 0 and low when it matches the number in the compare register (OCR0A for the output on PB0, OCR0B for the output on PB1). You set the pulse width by changing OCR0A and OCR0B.

If your chip is running at 8MHz then 0x01 in TCCR0B means your PWM frequency is 8000000/256 = 31.24kHz