AnalogRead gives always 0 but works with Ardu. SW


I am newbie to Arduino and I started with the examples provided by ARDX (temperature) CIRC-10 and it works fine with arduino software.

Now I am trying to do the same thing with processing and try to read analogpin 0 (as I have connected it to analogue 0)


it gives me always 0

What am I doing wrong? Thanks

Arduino arduino;
float myValue;
int temperaturePin = 0;

void setup()

arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[1], 115200);

void draw()

Thats one pretty wicked code :-/
There is even no loop() in there..

With processing u don't need loop, instead u have draw()

Well, the first entry in the:

arduino = new Arduino(this, [b]Arduino.list()[1][/b], 115200);

is Arduino.list()[0] and not [1] as it is an array, and the this,Arduino.list() shouldn't be this**.**Arduino.list()?
Have you set up the baud rate in arduino as the same in the processing code?

Ok , goodone! but the problem is not there!

I use com[7] wich is Arduino.list()[1] in this case as I print it the first thing in the code.

I tried many values for the Baud rate and of course 9600 as in the working example via arduin software.

Found it.

I had to change the value of Baud rate in StandardFirmata as well to 9600.