Sending an array of arrays of uint8_t and char through Node MCU

In this code i get this error:
call of overloaded 'println(uint8_t [1024])' is ambiguous

The println() method is not overloaded to print an array.

Suppose that it were. How would you decipher "1010101010101010101010101010..." in the receiving end?

2- If i want to send char instead of uint8_t through replace this line client.println(Data_mem2[j]), data sent. But what received is not 10 * 1024 =10240 bits. It is 56320 bits!

Data_mem is a 2D array of chars. It is NOT a 1D array of strings. You can NOT pass something that is not a string to a function that expects a string and expect that function to do anything useful.

You need to send ONE value at a time, adding delimiters between values as appropriate.

The problem there is that each println() call sends a packet, with very little payload per packet. So, you'd need to have a way of stuffing more than one value in a packet. To do that effectively, you need to determine what the payload size of a packet can be, and create a payload of approximately that size.