[MOD] Arduino Enhanced Release 1.0.5 for Windows (installer, drivers, etc) +SRC

Another button is doable, but I personally prefer

  1. new option in preferences.txt to "revert" the upload mode, i.e. modifier key now upload without serial monitor
  2. checkbox in preferences, near the "verbose" things. Default = official ide

I will add this to next version

I got more information about the next release, I am not really sure what to do yet, probably the best path to follow is: update to 1.0.2... maybe just changing the version number because I don't believe they enhanced anything.

1.0.2 will be released soon, this is the legacy AVR IDE.

1.5 will be the next version, supporting other architectures and they (arduino team) say it is improved and faster. Will replace the legacy ide.