Elevator CAN BUS

The display unit does have buttons connected to the board (UP and DOWN obviously) I have pushed these buttons trying to send a message to the arduino (used both the send and receive code I have been using in every baud rate possible)

But nothing happens.

There should be a message coming from each of the boards (various levels of the building) the displays are set by using a jumper at the top you set each floor (bottom floor set to 1 then floor above that set to 2 and so on) once you insert the jumper the display address is displayed on the screen.
For this project I have set the display to 1 and switched the CAN SW on and off for every test (the CAN sw is only switched on the last display on installations this is the CAN BUS resistor (120ohm)

I have tried googling the individual chips but cant find anything that tells me one of them are CAN BUS related?

I feel like I have hit a wall at the moment? How do I climb this wall?