Sparkfun Arduino Skinny

Hi All,

We're reviewing the Skinny hardware here:

It's a square Lilypad and has a lot of unused real estate, it's a big but less expensive alternative to the stamp, maybe.

It seems a bit rushed and the description improvised, I wonder why they are in such a hurry to get it out there, particularly since they appear to have no stock available.

I noticed that they're almost sold out of Lilypad's, so I'm wondering if they plan on selling both, or just their square version.

Can you re-read the description and let me know if it still seems rushed? You may have caught the description before I got the board to go live.

It is a essentially a lilypad, with a few niceties:
Power switch
On-board v-reg
battery connector

I wanted it to be size compatible with the Diecimila, hence the wasted real estate. We're actually sucking in the connectors and getting them back on 0.1" grid to please the Arduino team and to avoid confusion with user who have 5V shields.


PS: CTP is that you?