LCD display with ILI9341 driver on Arduino

Yeah ,I got mine working too ! 8)
Hello world ! :smiley:

I´d like to tell everybody how I have done it, maybe it will help:
I had a arduino mini pro 5V, a 5 Channel voltage regulator 5V->3V and the Display, got it from somewhere really cheap with no documentation. I tried so much, but what gave me the start was this setup:
Posted by nid69ita:

D5 : CS
D6 : D/C
D7 : LED -> wired to the VCC of display , not to pin on arduino
D11 : MOSI
D12 : MISO
D13 : SCK

Downloaded the ili9341.rar from that post. Uploeaded the text-example from that lib. I have put Display Vcc and Gnd through voltage regulator (one way), then D4,CS,D/C,SCK through the 4 Channels (bidirectional) of the voltage regulator. MISO was dirctly wired. I wired MOSI directly too (because I didn´t have more channels), resulting in a white screen, I messured a bit, then took a 1kOhms resistor for that, something scrambled showed up, I tried some lower resistors and ended by a 470 Ohms resistor in the MOSI wire.... And hello world.

I just ordered a 4050 to make a little shield. I need by VR for other projects.

Kudos to nid69ita , and the rest of you all.

Cheers Andre
