16u2 Firmware problem

Trying to avoid using the serial conversion method for MIDI. I've tried two different builds of the "direct-as-midi" firmware, both of which don't seem to function on the ATMega16u2.

After the flash and reset, it simply isn't recognized by the arduino compiler. Has anybody had success using these types of firmware with a 16u2?

I'm trying a MOCO LUFA and dualMOCO using Atmel FLIP. I can easily restore the preloaded firmware after trying the alternative firmware, so I don't think it's a problem with FLIP.

Bump. Is this the wrong section for this question?

With dualMocoLufa firmware,, you can switch between usb-midi and usb-serial by set up a jumper on ICSP connector.

Please check section 3 of the following web page.

