which MPU6050 libs for ARM core (with Kalman filter?) and without Intr usage ?

Good to know, and I wish you the very best of luck with your project!

yes, just think about it:
Even simple LEGO (and 3rd party) 1D Gyrors can detect rotation around their vertical (z) axis, which is yaw when held horizontally, e.g. for robot cars driving on the ground. I already have built such tribots to move them straight or drive curves of certain degrees since lots of years ago.

Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBzUYdzsOQA

Now the MPU6050 has a 3D Gyro, so it must be able to retrieve the rotation round it's horizontal forward (x), it's horizontal sidewards (y), AND around it's vertical (z) axis.

As long as held horizontally and not tilt, the rotation round the vertical (z) axis again is = yaw, just like for the LEGO 1D gyros:
==> Which lib does retrieve that (z-axis) rotation dimension?

and when tilt forward or sidewards, that can be detected by it's accelerometers to recalculate the yaw part or fraction:
==> which lib also retrieves this recalculated, transformed yaw rotation value?
(notice that e.g. for +80° pitch then mainly the gyro x-axis detects yaw)

So as long as the MPU6050 really is featuring 3D gyros and 3D accelerometers, it should be possible to retrieve pitch, roll, and yaw as well, not just pitch and roll like e.g. by Lauszus' Kalman lib - : but which one provides that actually?