Using Code Explorers and Diagrams to Learn Arduino

Hi Jantje,

Well it's always interesting to hear the opinions of god members :slight_smile: I've looked at your eclipse plugin and as I said earlier it really helps but the install instructions alone are more complex to use.

I found installing Eclipse to be quite difficult so, unrelated to your plugin the Visual Studio install was easier.

As I have said before, what is a new user? I speak for people like myself that found the Arduino IDE very difficult to work with without intellisense. I also found that when loading existing Arduino projects it was very difficult to see how code was related. In Visual Studio we just right mouse click any code syntax to GoTo definition or to "Find all references". As a new user to any project this type of tool is VERY useful.

So this is a preference for some to have a full interface and good source navigation/help and for others an empty clean interface and no source code help. I don't think anyone can say which is the best. It is that all options are right but for different groups of users. It is up to each user to decide what they choose.

The Arduino Examples and Documentation explorer in Visual Studio allow users to easily open or clone existing Arduino examples which is great for new users. The Arduino IDE has some of this functionality I don't believe Eclipse has this yet.

Anyway I am not going to get into a bun fight. I am sure that Eclipse has some features that are not available in Visual Studio, I just found it a terrible pain to install and very difficult to use.

So I believe, from my perspective and many of the users of Microsoft Visual Studio perspectives that I do know exactly what I am talking about.

Thanks again for your feedback