PLX-DAQ version 2 - now with 64 bit support! (and further new features)

@sumguy: thank you very much for taking care!

@Jonas (ScapeZ): as already said you do have one code block in the correct format and one in the wrong format. If in doubt please take a look at the Beginners Guide which is included in the zip file as it will answer your questions. The trick is to write the code in the format "Serial.println( (String) "Buzzword1,Buzzword2,Buzzword3" + Variable1 + "," + Variable2);"

@niltonfelipe: thanks a lot :slight_smile: I am acutally running a Linux on my laptop but never really tried to get it to work with it (it is a Lubuntu with really limited processing power...). My best guess is that it won't work since PLX DAQ is heavily relying on some Windows API calls to work, but it might be that Libre or Open Office ported them to Unix. If you can, please give it a try and post your feedback :slight_smile:

Greetings to all of you.