Multiple I2C Devices not working

Sorry for not explaining completely.

I am using the SSD1306 ( with the u8g2 library and the MPU6050 (Fermion: MPU-6050 6 DOF Sensor (Breakout) - DFRobot) with the I2C devlib library.
Both modules work seperatly with their respective libraries.

I only changed one thing in the I2CDevlib library which was the sampling frequency at which the FIFO buffer is filled with acceleromter data.

I am currently using an Arduino UNO (atmega328p)
-> additional hardware: Bluetooth, PPG sensor, battery charger .etc (no other i2c devices)

My modules are both connected to the same SDA, SCL, GND, VCC and the MPU6050 has an additional interrupt pin. Both devices have different addresses.