Xbee PRO S3B in API mode, inconsistent communication.

My understanding is that reading data from an SPI slave device goes like this:

uint8_t derp;

derp = SPI.transfer(0);

where a zero is "transferred" to the device, because it'll ignore anything that doesn't begin with a 0x7E, and will assign whatever is in the SPI receive register to the variable. Is that not the case here?

val = SPI.transfer(0);                                      // within 300 tries, then abort

my intent was to have the uint8_t val assigned the contents of the SPI receive register for each loop. The variable contents are used to drive a for-loop that continues looking for a 0x7E for 300 cycles.

#ifdef DEBUG

My apologies, at the beginning of my code I #define Serial as usb...to save keystrokes and to help me keep up with the various serial outputs of the MEGA.