How does a servo work (PWM or PPM)?

Hope you see my point too

I do see your point about using correct termonology, and if Arduino was primarily aimed at programmers/system developers then I would wholeheartedly agree.

But arduino is a platform intended for artists, designers and hobbyists. And although it is also highly attractive to trained software engineers like you and me, we should to be tolerant to the bending of some technical terms in the interests of making the technology more accessible to non-technical people.

I also take the point about potential confusion over the differences between analog inputs and analog outputs. But whatever you call the output function, the differences between changing the intensity of an LED and reading the intensity of a light source still needs to be adequately explained – things don't get any clearer to the non-technical person by renaming the function pwmWrite.

I can see many reasons why the analogWrite should not be changed to pwmWrite:

  1. (as mentioned in an earlier post) analogWrite is more expressive of the affect when driving things like LEDs. PWM has little or no meaning to non-technical people.

  2. It would increase the likelihood for confusion over its suitability for driving servos (particularly if people persist in referring to servo control signals as PWM).

  3. Even if there was a better name for analogWrite, so much material refers to that name (25,000 hits on google) that changing it would create considerable consternation.