Problem with ADS1256 board

Now, using the ADS1213 I got lectures, but only when I put my hands over the geophone, using this code, but the lectures don't make any sense to me.:

#include <ADS1213.h>

ADS1213 ADC_ext(16,true,13,10,3,0);
// clock speed MHz, true=offset binary (false=two's complement (then the output can be negative)), SCLK pin, IO pin, DRDY pin, CS pin (0 if not in use)

void setup() {
  // channel 3, mode 001 (self-calibration), gain, TMR, Decimation Ratio
  Serial.println("Done with setup");

const int NoOfSamples = 60; // Warning: if set too high, DeviationSqSum may overflow!
// This will happen sooner when the real standard deviation is higher.
unsigned long Values[NoOfSamples];

void loop() {

  delay(20); // Wait a second to avoid overflowing the serial monitor with data