U8glib: Graphics Lib for LCDs and OLEDs

Hi Oliver,

is there some pitfall in get your lib running on an Arduino Mega 2560 with an EA DOGXL-160 ? :wink:

if tried it yesterday and it did not work. i looked at the signals of the pins (with an oscilloscope) and the clock pin was a little bit confusing.
in Hardware SPI Mode the signal was realy destroyed.
in Software SPI Mode the u8g.setContrast(127); worked. but the 'hello World' not.
It looked like something is setting the clock pin manually some times..
the signal of the clock was at ~3.3V level out of the arduino and the odd spikes were at 5V level...
i used the Hardware SPI Pins on the Arduino Mega - see constructor..

i used the example hello world sketch and added the contrast command in setup.
my constructors that i tried were the following:

//U8GLIB_DOGXL160_2X_BW u8g(52, 51, 53, 49);            // Software SPI ARDUINO MEGA   SPI Com: SCK = 52, MOSI = 51, CS = SS = 53, A0 = 49 //there is something wrong...
U8GLIB_DOGXL160_2X_BW u8g(53, 49);            // Hardware SPI ARDUINO MEGA   SPI Com: SCK = 52, MOSI = 51, CS = SS = 53, A0 = 49 // here is something wrong too

have you got an idea?

know i will try it with an arduino Duemilanove. we will see :slight_smile:

sunny greetings
