Expected unqualified id before numeric constant

expected unqualified id before numeric constant

#include <FastLED.h>

#define num_leds 60
#define pin 6
#define brightness 50
#define sensitivity 5

in last line i'm getting this error

You need to post your code.
In code tags.

There may be an invisible character in that line, try writing it again (not copy paste it from somewhere)
Otherwise, is it allowed to have a _ in a variable name ?

There may be an invisible character in that line, try writing it again (not copy paste it from somewhere)
Otherwise, is it allowed to have a _ in a variable name ?

Well that's new for me as well. I have never encountered invisible characters in Arduino IDE.

To the topic creator, share complete code to get proper help.

It happens sometimes when you copy / paste a code from another weirly encoded source (such as an Internet website)