Dumping firmware/software...and/or reflashing??

I would also like to figure out how to use debugWire so I would only have to worry about 3 pins (Vcc, GND, debugWire) rather than the regular 6 (Vcc, GND, RESET, SCK, MISO, MOSI). I know I have to set a fuse to use it, but I'm not sure what else may be involved (if it will work with my Atmel mkII).

Like TPI this is not the best place for debugWire help. In my case, I have no idea how to get debugWire working.

The core I mentioned in Reply #36 includes Tiny Debug Serial. It's similar to Serial available on a normal Arduino. I also have something better (but still similar to Serial) available. If you're interested send me a Personal Message with your email address.