How to obtain the remote client IP address when using the Ethernet Shield

I am a super newbee. I am not sure where to connected the ethernet cable if I want to get remote data from home. The router?

samlro2, your question isn't directly related to this topic, but I will help you out.

If you want to connect to your Arduino via a network or internet you will need to plug it into a router.

Then, from within the network, you can access the arduino simply by entering the arduino's IP into a browser (the IP you set within the sketch).

Connecting via the internet, things get a little more complicated:

  • First you will need to set up your router so it routes all port 80 requests to the arduino. google port forwarding and your router model.
  • Second you will need some way of contacting your router from the internet, your external IP address is likely to vary, so the best way is to get a domain name. google about dynamic domain name providers (i.e. dyndns, no-ip etc).

There are a few guides that go into a lot more detail and give full sketches. Google should be able to help there.