NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7

Does this library works with URM37 v3.2 ( URM37_V3.2_Ultrasonic_Sensor__SKU_SEN0001_-DFRobot )

Mode 3: PWM passive control mode
Under this mode, a low pull on pin COMP/TRIG will trigger a sensor reading. The width of the pulse is proportional to the servo rotating degree. After a successful sensor reading, Pin PWM will output pulses, every 50us represents 1cm. If the reading is invalid, a 50000us pulse will be returned.

Can I use the NewPing library and change the NewPing.h to make it work for the URM37 v3.2 ?
