Dividing by 1023 or 1024? The final verdict on analogRead

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In this image above...

The last bucket is bounded by the voltage limits of the device (VCC + 0.5 for AVR processors). If VREF is 1.1 and VCC is 5.0 then the last bucket is 1.1 - cut off to 5.5 for an AVR processor.

a difference of 4.77microVolt (0.00477mV), much smaller than the expected fluctuations in the reference voltage in any case.

That may be true for your references but it is not true for mine.

I don't think any of the subsequent comments have improved on @CodingBadly's Reply #75


So, as I wrote in #87, the last bucket is larger than the previous?

The final bucket is larger than all the others. Correct. It is bounded by the physical limits of the device.