How do I prevent video interference caused by electric motors


the power supply isn't the problem from what my experiments have shown. Even when using batteries, the same action still causes the camera brown-out.

Because you are not supplying enough current! The problem is you dont know what everything is rated, (what needs what)

The LCD is small. It's only about 1A.
The camera is only about 1A.
I don't know what the cap draws when it is added.
The power supply is 90W/12V=7.5A
Batteries on the other had can output a heck of a lot of amperage but the problem still persists.

This is a better image of the test system:

It was suggested by Magician in another thread to put a inductor in series on the positive lead going to the camera. That makes sense to me as it would help smooth out current fluctuations caused by the sudden added load. What Henry value should I look for though?