Please stop annoying me

Hi there,

I dislike Google (using it makes stupid). And I dislike cookies.

So please stop annoying me with any cookie crap at login. And I suggest to change „sign in with Google“ to „idiots welcome“.

I'm not sure how long I can stand these cookie things. It is very likely that I stop using this forum if I have to klick around before using it.



PS: In case you don't understand why using Google makes stupid:

Searching is a creative process. Using Google is like painting by numbers. Not using your brain makes stupid.

What has your dislike of Google got to do with the Arduino website?

The moving eyes in your avatar annoy me.


What has your dislike of Google got to do with the Arduino website?

Nothing direct. The „sgn in w/ G,“-button just shows that idiots are welcome. I wouldn't put such a button on my webisite.

The moving eyes in your avatar annoy me.

That may mean you lack humor.



Nothing direct. The „sgn in w/ G,“-button just shows that idiots are welcome. I wouldn't put such a button on my webisite.

The fact that the presence of a button annoys you to the point you have to leave certainly shows that you are lacking in something. I'm not a fan of Google either, but I definitely don't get my knickers in a knot just over seeing their name. You might want to see someone about that. It's going to make it hard to live. Those fools are everywhere.

The GPDR stuff is the law folks passed over in Europe. They insisted, just as adamantly as you are now, that people be told when cookies are being used. So you got what you folks voted for.

Here in the US it is still up to the user to be smart enough to handle their own internet safety and we don't see such screens.

And I agree that I find moving gif avatars far more annoying, personally, than I find a button that doesn't try to grab my eyes attention away from what I'm reading every few seconds. That button is quite easy to ignore. So I'm with Robin on the eyes, far more annoying than any button.