Don't Format SD cards with OS utilities!

SPI clock up to 84 MHz

Max SPI speed for Due is 42 MHz even if you set the clock divider higher.

The SAM3X/A embeds high speed pads able to handle up to 65 MHz for HSMCI and SPI clock lines

So the SPI library has this code.

if (clock < (F_CPU / 255)) {
 div = 255;
 } else if (clock >= (F_CPU / 2)) {
 div = 2;
 } else {
 div = (F_CPU / (clock + 1)) + 1;

On Due you will need to slow SdFat, older SD cards only support 25 MHz max.

I use a clock divider of 2 for newer versions SdFat for a SPI speed of 42 MHz on Due.

SD.h uses a clock divider of 21 for a speed of 4 MHz on Due.

Start with a clock divider of 21 with the 1 GB card and increase it until it fails. SPI_HALF_SPEED has the value 4.