Flash microcontroller with a firmware stored in an external EEPROM

Hello *!!

I am working in a feature for my project in which I need to auto-flash (update) the microcontroller with an image firmware stored in an external EEPROM, so I wonder if there is something implemented for that purpose.

If not, I will have to modify the bootloader source in order to add this feature. Please, could anyone give me any advice to know how to compile the bootloader source? I coded some bootloaders, but I never worked with Arduino concept before.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards!

As far as I know it's a simple GCC. You find the boot loader (at last on a Mac) in the Programm Folder of the Editor(Contents/Java/hardware/adruino/avr/bootloaders). Actually the editor it's just a Java wrapper that give some "special" features like "Setup" and "Loop" and hide some C Standards to make programming easier - but in the end it's just C+...