Arduino WordClock

Actually, the RTC I have available right now for this project is the DS1307 which from your experience is not the best one for this kind of project. I'll change it...
You can get reasonably accurate with a DS1307 given a little time. For me the DS1307 was loosing about 8.5 seconds per day (It take several days to get a good average) so I just put in a bit of code to add 8.5 seconds at midnight each day.

Another thing that I will have to work is the Font. I need to add some "special" characters like ç, é, í, etc...
From my understanding, I need to add their "design" to the Fonts you already included, in the first place. After this, is there anything else that I need to change to be able to use them in a scrolling message?
If you want to add the characters into the correct position to match the extended ASCII table then you will need to define all the characters prior to the last one you need or at least put spaces in the chars you don't define else the loadBufferLong code won't work properly (It will also need altering to accept a larger font tabe as it's current upper limit is 0x7F). You could also define the extra characters to replace un-used characters in the current font (things like {}[]|<>).

Still regarding the Fonts, can you explain to me what's the meaning of the last digit/couple of digits defined after each character?
The last number is used for kerning the font character. It is normally the bit number of the right most bit (start counting from the left of the two bytes) + 2 and defines how wide the character is. I have highlighted the right most bits in both examples and you will see the number is the bit position of the widest point (starting with left byte/bit) plus 2 bits.

B11001100, B00000000, //" Bit position 6 (counting from left) highlighted in red
B11001100, B00000000,
B11001100, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000,
8, // 6+2

B00110011, B00000000, //#
B00110011, B00000000,
B11111111, B11000000, // Bit position 10 (counting from left) highlighted in red
B00110011, B00000000,
B11111111, B11000000,
B00110011, B00000000,
B00110011, B00000000,
12, // 10+2

I am referring, in this example to the 8 and 12 in the last line of each character. Other characters have different codes.

Once more, thank you for all your help.
When I get something that worth to show, I'll post some pictures.
Will be nice to see someone else's work