Need help in connecting Arduino with Dynamixel RX-64


I only obtain the data FFFFFF from the motor.

That suggest to me that you haven't fixed your code, and that you're reading -1 == "No serial data available" from your port.
Please post your code.


I fixed the code already.

// Initial condition

const int RTS = 4;   //1= transmit, 0 =receive
byte ping  =0x01;
byte READ  =0x02;
byte WRITE =0x03;
byte REG   =0x04;
byte ACTION=0x05;
byte RESET =0x06;
byte SYNC  =0x83;
byte BEGIN =0xff;
int incomingByte = 0;

// Setup Function
void setup () {
  pinMode(RTS, OUTPUT);


// Main function
void loop() 
  byte notchecksum;
  byte motor_ID=0x01;
  byte length=0x02;
  delay (5);
  notchecksum=~(motor_ID + length + ping);
  // send data only when you receive data:
while (Serial1.available() == 0) 
     incomingByte =;
  incomingByte =;
}//This is program to send data to servo

Now, is the serial monitor does not give any display. I suspect that it keep stuck inside the WHILE loop.
Now, I am wondering if my Dynamixel motor does not send any data or, My 485 breakout circuit does not send me any data.
Do you have any idea?
