Do HC-SR04 5V rangefinder sensors work in 3V battery mode?

Do HC-SR04 5V rangefinder sensors work in 3V battery mode?

measure echo pin voltage, if it was 5v (more than 3.3v), then you have to scale it down to 3.3v.

I have a MKRFOX1200 working with HC-SR04 and it works fine. It is stated to work only at 5v but its fine with 3V. But I have another one (SF-SR02) with a higher range (6meters) and this one doesnt get any further than 1 or 2 meters under 3V. If I use the 5V for VCC while running on USB, it reaches full range. Digital inputs seem to be more tolerant than they state for 5V signals.. (although I'm not advising to do so!!)

measure echo pin voltage, if it was 5v (more than 3.3v), then you have to scale it down to 3.3v.

.How to scale it down?