RFID to activate a sound file on the Adafruit Audio FX Sound Board

Hi all,

I'm having issues working out how to connect an RFID reader (RFID-RC522) with an Adafruit Audio FX Sound Board with an arduino connecting them together.

I have followed the Adafruit Audio FX Sound Board serial audio controls (linked below) and the "Adafruit_Soundboard.h" example to learn how to use the serial commands and how it works.

Also using <MFRC522.h> examples to learn how the rfid reader works. I have made it turn an led on when the right cards is place on the reader.

The issue im having is placing both start up codes together and making them run at the same time. My understanding is that the rfid reader needs to run all the time to read a new key which then sends the serial code to the sound board ("PFILENAMEEXT\n" delay "PT09 OGG\n") to activate the sound file.

I have tried several sketches to try and make this work but to no success. I don't know if I need to use 2 arduinos and connect them together or if i'm missing something.

Any help would be appreciated. I have only messed around with arduinos for 6 months so i'm still new to coding.


menucommands.ino (5.94 KB)

RFID_.ino (1.32 KB)

To talk to your sound board, you need to use the SoftwareSerial library like the example and then rather than printing the commands out to the serial monitor [using Serial.println()], you send then over the software implementation of the serial pins that you associated with the sfx [like the example]

success. I don't know if I need to use 2 arduinos and connect them together or if i'm missing something.

You do need two Arduinos. There is nothing stopping you running these two things together.
For posting code it helps to follow the guide lines in the how to use this forum sticky post at the start of the section. Because I am on a mobile device I can’t see your code.

I can see your diagram though and it it typical of the many hundreds of diagrams on line that get it wrong. Your Arduino is providing 5V output signals which is too much for your 3V3 device. All output signals from the Arduino must be cut down by a potential divider, where as signals from a 3V3 device into the Arduino must be connected directly.

You do need two Arduinos. There is nothing stopping you running these two things together.

Did you by chance forget the word 'NOT' ?
As in "you do NOT need two Arduinos"

Did you by chance forget the word 'NOT' ?
As in "you do NOT need two Arduinos"

Quite correct, sorry.