Sloeber 4.3.0: missing core includes

Just installed a fresh Eclipse Proton (4.8.0) and Sloeber plugin (4.3.0). Checked out several Arduino projects that were developed using an earlier version of Sloeber. Followed the instructions to convert the projects for use with the latest Sloeber (e.g. selecting Sloeber tool chain, etc.).

Project compilation failed because Arduino.h and pins_arduino.h could not be found.

Added "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/core/core}" and "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/core/variant}" to each project Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Tool Settings under the "include folders" for C++, C, and Assembler.

This is obviously and awkward and inadequate workaround. What is the correct way to make Sloeber include/use the Arduino core include files in all projects?


Fair enough. I looked around a bit and figured this was the "best" place. Will look around more for a more appropriate forum for Sloeber.
