Use SD Card while Pin 11 is being used for PWM

On Arduino Uno Rev3, I just ran the speaker_pcm (here) demo that used TIMER1 and TIMER2 to generate a PWM wave. However, this means that the Pins 3, 9, 10 and 11 can not be used anymore; according to the documentation:

Takes over Timer 1 (16-bit) for the 8000 Hz timer. This breaks PWM
(analogWrite()) for Arduino pins 9 and 10. Takes Timer 2 (8-bit)
for the pulse width modulation, breaking PWM for pins 11 & 3.

I wanted to change the program such that the WAV data was read from a SD card. However, this is what documentation for SD.h library says:

The communication between the microcontroller and the SD card uses SPI,
which takes place on digital pins 11, 12, and 13 (on most Arduino boards).

This means both the SD.h and speaker_pcm want to use pin 11, and the requirement to use these pins is dictated by the hardware. I am guessing that this clash will create problems.

Is there any way I can make this work? Can I switch between SD card reading and Audio playing somehow (essentially multiplexing in software)? Or will this collision of pin usage not be a problem?

EDIT: I am actully playing the audio on pin 3.

You may want to Google on whether it is possible to use software SPI for your SD card module.

11,12,13 are the hardware SPI pins


I think you'll need hardware SPI for SDcard to be fast enough, which means not using pin 11 for PWM - you have pins 3 and 9 available which don't clash with the hardware SPI pins.