Try to use an Arduino Nano for display a number via WS2812 matrix 16x16

Hello folks,

I actually try to build a scoreboard by using a Arduino Nano and a WS2812 matrix 16x16.
So far the code is ready to read three push buttons for up/down/reset.
I can show the counter value already via terminal and now want to forward the variable "int buttonPushCounter1" directly onto the WS2812 matrix 16x16 display

What is the optimal library to go with?
It would be awesome to have the capability to change the scale of the matrix from 16x16 to e.g. 32x32

I have done already some trials with Adafruit NeoMatrix and Fastled but unfortunately without success.

Please find my source code attached to this post.
I would be very thankful if someone is able to help solving my issue.


It would be awesome to have the capability to change the scale of the matrix from 16x16 to e.g. 32x32

In software?
You can put four of these together to give you 32 by 32.

Look at the Adafruit graphics libraries for the display.

Please find my source code attached to this post.

Which is useless for anyone looking at this on a mobile device, like I am. Please read the how to use this forum sticky post.

Code is included now.

I have already tried to get the Adafruit_NeoMatrix running but unfortunately getting an error during compiling.

This is the error I get:

Arduino IDE 1.8.8
Adafruit_NeoMatrix 1.1.2

/Users/xxx/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_NeoMatrix/Adafruit_NeoMatrix.h:72:5: error: 'neoPixelType' has not been declared
neoPixelType ledType = NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

No idea where it comes from because I don't see anything similar in the code.

error: 'neoPixelType' has not been declared

This means that you have not got in you libraries folder a library that the NeoMatrix.h file calls up. Look at that file and see what #include files it is asking for. Or look at all the error message and see what file the compiler can not find.

Problem solved!

Installed two libraries twice with different versions!

Thanks for the hint to check ALL ERRORS!