Brain Overflow..... 3d printing, Fusion 360, and now Arduino..... help

Hello all, first and foremost, congrats on what seems to be a tight and productive network. That said, I have a basic code I need written. It has to do with a user set time based on a hall effect sensor movement/duration which will be stored as a comparison to trigger on output voltage to a solenoid.

Yes of course there are details which I have written in Human If this is the correct forum for obtaining assistance please do not hesitate to let me know how I should proceed.

In addition I was trying to learn (faster education) how coding works by GUI block programs, if this is a good starting point for my purposes could you recommend one. I am not savvy in the ways of generation yet, but I can read and interpret a written code to some degree.

Any question please advise
Be well

yes a freelancer can seek me out.

The following is my beginners description of what I need coded into an Arduino Uno

Requirement for timing and triggering program to be as follows.

Activating of Customization & Learning mode – AC&LM

  1. Hall Effect Sensor A (HES-A) activation by user engaging sensor HES - A for a count of 1-second
    on, 1 second off, 1 second on, and final off within 6 seconds; This will activate the C&LM
  2. The system requires a failsafe that will return to Normal Operating Mode (NOM) and exiting C&LM
    programming when a count of 600 seconds has elapsed
  3. The user must complete the C&LM process within this 600 second period, failing to do so will
    require the user to return to the AC&LM programing as indicated above.
  4. When and during the C&LM process, a steady ON Output to a Red led to indicate that the system is
    currently in C&LM.
  5. The purpose of this mode is to activate Hall Effect Sensor B (HES-B) from its normal operating
    mode as a motion timer and comparator, into that of a recording sensor based on elapsed time,
    which will then be recorded and store as the new user entered period.

Customization & Learning Mode – C&LM
1 While in CLM (Red Led Steady On) the ON motion state or time period of HES-B will be recorded to
memory for future comparison in Normal Operation Mode.
2 If no action is taken or if HES-B duration time has not been recorded within the 600 second failsafe
period, the CLM will terminate and the system will revert to the factory 300 second HES-B period
3 A successful CLM will conclude when the HES-B input duration has been recorded as indicated when
a conclude or a stop motion from HES-B.
4 This period must exceed 120 seconds and cannot exceed a high limit of 300 seconds in order to be
5 If and when the HES-B is properly configured as indicate above, the system will toggle the Red LED
from steady on to flashing in intervals of 2 seconds for six cycles and then conclude the CLM and
return to NOM.
6 CLM termination can only occur if satisfactory CLM has been performed as indicated above and/or if
CLM time period exceeds 600 seconds.

Normal Operational Mode - NOM

  1. In NOM the Red led will flash once every 60 seconds
  2. The HES-B will monitor the movement duration proximity of a magnet.
  3. If and when HES-B detects motion, it will trigger a countdown timer which will be compared to the
    CLM recorder duration or Factory Preset period of 300 seconds.
  4. If and/or when the HES-B detects that the preset countdown time has exceeded the comparison
    time, the coding need send out a 5v output to a micro solenoid coil.
  5. This micro solenoid output voltage, when triggered, need be set to hold for a duration between 10
    to 20 seconds; the system will then be in a triggered mode TM
  6. If HES-B motion countdown time does not exceed the programmed set point the system will loop
    reset back and return to the standby monitoring mode.
  7. While in NOM a momentary and independent output of 5 volts to the micro solenoid need be coded,
    one that will trigger once every 24 hours for a duration between 2 to 10 seconds
  8. This automatic trigger must be ignored or excluded if the system is in either C&LM or during a
    HES – B countdown period.
  9. This Output can also be excluded if any output to Solenoid has been triggered within the
    24hour period
  10. A Battery Voltage monitor which will trigger and flash the Red led 1 second on and 6 seconds off, if
    and when the supply voltage should drop below 11 volts. This low battery indicator will remain in
    effect until battery voltage requirement is met; ie 11+ volts

Triggered Mode – TM

  1. When in TM Mode an output Voltage to solenoid will trigger every 60 seconds for a duration of 10
  2. Output to RED led placed in strobe mode with on/off every 10 seconds
  3. In order to exit from TM user must activate HES-A for 10 seconds on, this will then return the
    system to NOM until a future trigger occurs.


Activation of Customization & Learning Mode

Customization & Learning Mode

Normal Operating Mode

Triggered Mode

Hall Effect Sensor A – User access to C&LM and permits user to activate Reset Mode

Hall Effect Sensor B – Triggers countdown timer and compares with stored time

Voltage Sensor
Internal Voltage monitor which triggers led when voltage reaches below 11vs.

Solenoid Voltage
Output voltage to engage solenoid as indicated above

Red Led
LED to indicate state of system by flashing frequency as indicated above

Storage Data:
Default or factory set comparison time of 300 seconds which can be customized to new period if and when programmed as described in C&LM section

I accept constructive criticism well, so please if Im barking up the wrong tree please advise

I have a feeling that what you're asking for is really quite simple and would be far more comprehensible if you drew a diagram. You have a bunch of states (modes) and you do certain things in those states and you can go from one state to another.

Draw those states (common terminology is to draw bubbles). Show transitions from one state to another (usually we use lines labelled with the event that causes movement from one state to another). Then describe what happens in each state. I think that will make it far clearer.

Google "state machine" or "statechart" to see examples.