IR data receiver code (NEC protocol)

I could not get my ATTiny to work with the 'IRremote.h' library. Also the library was pretty big.
So I made my own code.

The code gets triggered by a 'FALLING' signal, and then paused the Arduino code and start reading the data, and resumes when done. the received data is stored in 'IRData '

All lines are commented, so you should be able to find your way around the code easily.

How to reproduce?
I've used an 1838 IR receiver on a VMA317 board
I've used a cheap ebay LED controller (4x11 buttons) that runs on the NEC protecol
IR s (data pin) to pin 2 on the Arduino

Change '#define DEBUGMODE false' to true if you want more debug info (for if you want to change it to a diffrent protocol for example)

int PI_IRSensor = 2;                          //The pin where the IR sensor is connected to
volatile int IRData = 0;                      //This is where we store the (valid) IRData until it's processed

void setup() {                            //This code will be called once on startup
  pinMode(PI_IRSensor, INPUT);                //Set the IR pin to be an input (just to be sure)
  Serial.begin(9600);                         //Start the connection with the pc
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PI_IRSensor), infraredRead, FALLING);   //When the IR sensor signal is pulled low, call the loop to read the data

void loop() {                             //This code will keep on looping over like a 'While(1)'
  if (IRData != 0) {                          //If there is IRData
    Serial.println(String("[data=") + IRData + String("]"));     //Print the IRData to the pc
    IRData = 0;                               //Reset IRData value (since we have processed it)

  //Your normal code here, will keep on running unles there is IR data to be checked

void infraredRead() {                     //This loop will be called when the pin is pulled low (and we need to read the data)
//Code Written by JelleWho
#define DEBUGMODE false                       //Set to true to get feedback about below code
  Example of debud data: (NEC contoller and pressing on/off button)
  What happens:
  '<'         Start of this codeloop
  '>'         Stop of this code loop (succesfull)
  '[bin=X]'   Binary data
  'E1'        Program started but could not find start loop
  '[data=y]'  IR data converted from binary to int
  'E2'        Button is keep being pressed and we found 0xFFFFF (a startpulse with no data)
  String IRDataRawBinary = "";                //Raw binary sensor data
  Serial.print(String("<"));                  //Tell the pc we are starting retrieving data (be aware this has a lower prior, and could be delayed in real world sending)
  const int LowOrHighPoint = 1050;            //Turnover time point of low/high     High =(1500 - 1700)   Low = (400 - 600)   So we are right at the middle
  const int TimeOut = 2000;                   //Maximum time in microseconds of normal bits (it's to much time to be called high)
  const unsigned int start_bit = 4000;        //Minimum time in microseconds of startbit
  const int BeginAt = 17;                     //Real data begins here (the first real bit)
  const int TheLength = 16 + BeginAt;         //The length of the data we need. If a to long delay (1s) between '<' and '>' try lowering TheLength. If '<E1<E1' or more retrieved, try higher TheLength.
  int data[TheLength];                        //Create a array to put the bits in
  if (pulseIn(PI_IRSensor, HIGH, 100000) < start_bit) { //Wait for the line to be HIGH again (100ms delay). and then measure THE LENGTH8
    //(TODO FIXME THIS COULD HAVE A 4MIN LONG PULSE! (if we only retrieve a low signal and then it stays high)
    Serial.print(String("E1"));               //Feedback; Timeout waiting on start pulse
    return;                                   //Stop if we have a timeout
  //=====START PULSE DETECTED===== and now at the low at the end of that pulse
  int i = 0;                                  //A counter
  while (i < TheLength - 1) {                 //Do the next part as much as we are expected bits
    i++;                                      //Increade the counter
    data[i] = pulseIn(PI_IRSensor, HIGH);     //Start measur length of the HIGH pulse
    if (data[i] >= TimeOut) {                 //If the pin was longer HIGH than it could be (and thus it was not data)
      Serial.print(String("E2"));             //Feedback; Timeout waiting on data pulse
  int a = 0;                                  //A new counter (this is where to store the new data at in the array)
  i = BeginAt;                                //Where the real data geginds at (so where we need to start reading from)
  while (i < TheLength) {                     //While there is still data to be read
    a++;                                      //Increase the counter
    i++;                                      //Increase the counter
    if (data[i] > LowOrHighPoint) {           //is it a 1?     (1500 - 1700)
      data[a] = 1;                            //Set in the new array the data of this bit HIGH
      IRDataRawBinary += "1";                 //DEBUG Save the state so we can read it out later
    } else if (data[i] < LowOrHighPoint) {    //is it a 0?  (400 - 600)
      data[a] = 0;                            //Set in the new array the data of this bit LOW
      IRDataRawBinary += "0";                 //DEBUG Save the state so we can read it out later
  unsigned int result = 0;                             //Create a int to store the result in
  i = 0;                                      //(reset) int a as a new counter (this is the bit we are going to save to the result)
  while (i <= TheLength) {                    //Do while we still have bits to put in the result
    i++;                                      //Increase the counter
    if (data[i] == 1) {                       //If the data is a '1'
      result |= (1 << i);                     //Bitshift it into the result
  IRData = result;                            //Put the result into the data as a whole (So other code can use it)
  Serial.print(String(">"));                  //Tell the pc we stopped retrieving data
  Serial.println(String("[bin=") + IRDataRawBinary + String("]"));          //Print the IRData to the pc

Image of the data (default HIGH)