Examples / sketches ... Suggestion only

If somebody shares a CREATE URL for a THING's sketch it would be fantastic if the THING was recreated from the SHARE URL.

That's a nice feature to have and would drammatically help during testing :smiley: Thanks!

Suggestion :- how about adding a SHARE THING option which should take a lot of the work out of it.
You might even be able to re-use some of the code from the CREATE share option.

"share" means "look at my dashboard" or "copy my thing"? I suspect the second, but just for clarity.

Copying thing basically would require to duplicate the sketch and the thing for the "destination" user. The board ( or more correctly the device ) will necessary be "empty" and manual interaction would be required. In any case no-thing ( pun intended :stuck_out_tongue: ) can work if the code has not been uploaded to a board and that board having been provisioned.
Is this answer clear enough? :slight_smile: