LPC810 mini ARM Prozessor in 8 pin dip package

Hi Rob,

thank you for your response.

I too used C rather than C++ because at the time.
You are rigth, C++ is better because the commands can be made more compatible to the original.
Using my lib you would have to write


instead of


and it is not "polymorphic" that the arguments can have different types.
The reason why I did it in this way is that I couln't find an easy to install C++ compiler for my Ubuntu 12.04 and I didn't want to put to much time in installing the development system.
There was only a precompilde C compiler


so I used C.

And I'm not shure if C is using less memory because the space is very limited on the LPC810.

I'm a big fan of the LPCs and have also done an Arduino port (to the 1227).

Du you have a link to your code? Probably it would be a nice idea to port it to a LPC1114FN28.
It has a 28 pin dip package.