MPU-6050 Gyro Teapot 3D simulation along with DHT11 output on processing 3

So my project goal is to use MPU-6050 Gyro along with DHT11 sensor for 3D simulation and displaying the temperature output in the 3D simulation using Processing 3. I currently have modified the programming code individually for gyro using the Processing & ToxicLibs Library. I also have the arduino code for dht11 sensor which displays the temperature and humidity. How could I display temperature and humidity output in processing 3 java. I wll attach all my codes below. I have also attached a image, that's how I need the output. So, how should I proceed? any suggestion or tips?


sketch_3d_gyro_visual.pde (9.15 KB)

MPU6050_DMP6_TOXIC.ino (15.9 KB)

nano_temp.ino (360 Bytes)

How could I display temperature and humidity output in processing 3 java.

Does that look like an Arduino question? Did you get help with the Arduino programming from the Processing forum?